Saturday, March 19, 2011

Butter Mint Pillows

1 stick softened butter
1 lb. powdered sugar plus more for dusting
2 T. heavy cream
1 t. mint extract
red & green food coloring

Beat butter until creamy. With mixer on low, beat in sugar, cream and mint until creamy and smooth. Turn mixture out onto a work surface that has been lightly dusted with pow. sugar. Knead until smooth and satiny. Divide into 1/3's. Tint one pink, one green and leave one white. Cover each with plastic wrap to keep from drying out.
Line 2 baking sheets with foil. Lightly dust work surface again. Working with one color at a time, roll out 1/4 cupfuls, using your fingers, into a 1/2 inch thick rope. Cut into 1/2 inch pillows. Transfer to a baking sheet using a spatula. (be careful, they are soft and will squish easily) Repeat with all mixtures.
Let air dry at room temp for 1-2 days until firm enough to handle. Transfer to covered containers. Store in fridge up to 1 month or in pantry for 2 weeks.

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